JELIN: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation 2024-09-11T06:18:45+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>JELIN: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation</strong> is a journal published by Perkumpulan Dosen Tarbiyah Islam Indonesia (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PDTII</a>). is published twice times a year (March and September). Chalim Teaching and Learning Journal multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, the scope of this journal is in learning and instruction area which provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific researches in the areas of learning, development, instruction, and teaching. The journal welcomes original empirical investigation. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. They may refer to any age level, from infants to adults, and to a diversity of learning and instructional settings, from laboratory experiments to field studies. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern the significance of the contribution to the area of learning and instruction.</p> Leadership Management of the Head of Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah to Improve Teachers' Work Ethic 2024-06-18T05:01:21+00:00 Ahyani Romi Siswanto Syahru Romadhan <p>This study used a qualitative approach with a case study type by taking a single case. Data collection in this study used participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The research informants were Madrasah administrators, namely the Head of Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah Miftahul Mutaalimin, teachers, and students. The data that has been collected is checked for its validity using a triangulation strategy. Technical analysis of data is done by collecting data, reducing data, displaying data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this thesis research are as follows: (1) Madrasah Principal Leadership Management (Umi Minasih) Shaping Madrasah Education Quality is democratic and charismatic, (2) Madrasah Principal Leadership Strategy in Shaping Madrasah Education Quality by: a). Increasing the teacher's work ethic, b). Improving Student Quality, (3) Implications of the Madrasah Principal's Leadership in Shaping the Quality of Madrasah Education by: a). Communicating with Teachers, b). Creating a comfortable and full of togetherness atmosphere and improving the teacher's work ethic.</p> 2024-07-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahyani, Romi Siswanto, Syahru Romadhan Effective Management in the Implementation of Link and Match Curriculum for Quality Graduates 2024-06-18T05:04:00+00:00 Fita Andriyani Aris Adi Leksono <p>Nowadays, the development of the era demands a change in the education curriculum that emphasizes the need to build national character. This is based on facts and the views of the community regarding the decline in the moral quality and attitudes of the younger generation in keeping up with the times. Currently what is needed is an educational curriculum that is characterized in the sense that the curriculum itself has character and is at the same time oriented towards the formation of the character of educators. Curriculum development is an integral part of the curriculum itself (inherent), and an applicable curriculum must be continuously improved. by adopting the needs that develop in society. The implementation of education in Vocational High Schools is a process of learning and guidance in schools. The learning process in schools primarily aims to equip students to develop personality, academic potential, and a strong and correct foundation of expertise through learning.</p> 2024-07-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fita Andriyani, Aris Adi Leksono Management of Facilities and Infrastructure in Improving the Quality of Learning 2024-07-28T08:57:09+00:00 Agung Rohmadi Rahmat <p>This study uses a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. The object of this research was carried out at SMK NU Losarang. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data sources in this study included school principals, vice principals, subject teachers, TU staff and students, as well as other informants related to the problems raised in this study.The purpose of this study is to describe how the management of planning, procurement, evaluation and implications for facilities and infrastructure at SMK NU Losarang.The results of the study show that the management of facilities and infrastructure in improving the quality of learning at SMK NU Losarang consists of planning, procurement, use, and evaluation. (1) Planning for facilities and infrastructure at SMK NU Losarang is carried out in stages, starting with a needs analysis through data collection in the meeting forum of the teacher council and staff and employees. (2) Procurement of facilities and infrastructure at SMK NU Losarang is carried out in various ways. Facilities and infrastructure are obtained from the results of submitting assistance to various parties such as the government, the community, individuals and others. (3) Evaluation of the management of school infrastructure in improving the quality of learning is carried out by way of oral reports or written reports which are carried out on; (a) weekly evaluation; (b) monthly evaluation; and (c) annual evaluation. (4) The implications of the management of facilities and infrastructure at SMK NU Losarang are increasingly visible with the increasing quality of learning and student achievement.</p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Agung Rohmadi, Rahmat Strategi Pembelajaran Quantum sebagai bentuk Interpretasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila Di Era Digital 2024-08-03T10:31:09+00:00 Wahyuni Ahadiyah Salman Zahidi Rahil Hidayatussholihah <p>Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa teknologi semakin berkembang pesat di segala bidang khususnya pendidikan. Kemajuan teknologi seyogianya mampu meningkatkan aspek kehidupan manusia. Sayangnya kasus pengangguran, kriminalitas, amoralitas, pelecehan seksual, dan bulliying masih ditemukan dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia. Hal ini terjadi&nbsp; karena minimnya penerapan pendidikan karakter dan ketidakpahaman nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam pancasila. Strategi Quantum merupakan model pembelajaran yang menyesuaikan tuntutan kurikulum merdeka belajar yang didalamnya terdapat 6 dimensi karakter&nbsp; Profil Pelajar Pancasila. Selain itu, startegi Quantum menekankan pentingnya hubungan sosial yang harmonis, yang menjadi salah satu ciri belajaar Student Centered Learning. Fokus penelitian ini adalah bagaimana penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Quantum sebagai bentuk Interpretasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila Di Era Digital?. Jenis penelitian ini adalah library reasearch dengan pendektan kulitatif diskriptif yaitu studi yang mempelajari beberapa buku referensi serta hasil penelitian yang sejenis guna mendapatkan landasan teori masalah yang diteliti. Pengumpulan data melalui beberapa sumber penelitian terlebih dahulu, menganalisis, kemudian mendeskripsikan hasil analisa Dari hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan: Profil pelajar pancasila adalah karakter yang dibutuhkan bagi pelajar di indonesia khususnya di era digital. Strategi Quantum merupakan strategi yang dapat menunjang kesuksesan mewujudkan pelajar melalui kegiatan intrakurikuler. Guru dapat memanfaatkan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran. Penerapan dimensi beriman, bertakwa kepada tuhan, dan berakhlak mulia dengan menggunakan konsep TANDUR dan AMBAK yang dapat diterapkan melalui mata pelajaran PAI.</p> 2024-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyuni ​​Ahadiyah, Salman Zahidi, Rahil Hidayatussholihah Madrasah Head's Strategy in Forming Students with Islamic Character through Superior Programs 2024-07-29T07:00:18+00:00 Heru Sugiono Abdul Mukti Bisri Shonhadji Salis Khoiriyati <p>This research aims to: 1) To analyze the Islamic Character of Students MI AL KARIMAH Mojokerto City. 2) To analyze the Madrasah Principal's Strategy for Islamic Character Building at MI AL KARIMAH Mojokerto City.3) To find out the supporting and inhibiting factors faced in the implementation of the Flagship Program at MI AL KARIMAH Mojokerto City.The research method is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. There are two types of secondary and primary data to support this research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. data analysis techniques using data collection, reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. To test credibility in this study using triangulation. The results showed: 1) the Islamic character of students at MI Al Karimah is evident in the behavior of students, 2) The Principal's strategy in the formation of Islamic character in MI Al Karimah is planning, organizing, implementing, supervising and evaluating superior programs, namely: yaumiyah practice, reading and writing the Quran, Anjangsana and Muhadhoroh once a month. Supporting factors are: 1) Support from the school principal. 2) Cooperation of all teachers. 3) Support from parents of students. 4) School environment. The inhibiting factors in the formation of students with Islamic character are: parental supervision, children's socialization outside of school, lack of facilities and infrastructure in the form of school prayer rooms</p> 2024-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Heru Sugiono, Barnoto Managerial of School Principals to Create Effective Schools (Study at Islamic Junior High School) 2024-07-29T15:00:42+00:00 Muhammad Zamroni Barnoto <p>School leaders play an important role in the implementation of teaching in the classroom. SMPI Sabilurrosyad in Mojokerto which is located at Jalan Raya Kartini. Number 19 was established in 2007 and currently has 6 classes with a total of 150 students, supported by 21 teaching staff and 6 educational staff. This is directly related to the managerial ability of the principal. Therefore, the researcher wants to analyze the managerial management of Islamic junior high school principal Sabilurrosyad Jetis Mojokerto planning the effectiveness of learning. The formulation of the problems in this study are: 1) How does the managerial of the Sabilurrosyad Jetis Mojokerto Islamic junior high schoolhead plan the effectiveness of learning? 2). How does the managerial of the Sabilurrosyad Jetis Mojokerto Islamic junior high school principal implement learning effectiveness? 3). What are the managerial results in the implementation of learning evaluation at Sabilurrosyad Jetis Mojokerto Islamic junior high school? By using this type of qualitative research. After conducting research the researchers found the results, namely 1). The managerial ability of the principal in making school improvement plans in accordance with effective school standards. 2). Sabilurrosyad Jetis Mojokerto Islamic junior high school leadership skills in effectively managing the institution according to procedures, such as having a different organizational structure that clearly describes roles, tasks and functions, especially by issuing assignment letters and decisions. 3). head of Islamic junior high school Sabilurrosyad, has successfully used his managerial skills to build an effective school with a myriad of achievements achieved Islamic junior high school Sabilurrosyad Jetis Mojokerto.</p> 2024-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Zamroni, Barnoto The Principal's Leadership in Improving Teachers' Professional Competence at SDN 2024-08-21T06:12:14+00:00 Tihabsah Rahmat Muhammad Husnur Rofiq <p>Principals as leaders of educational institutions have a strategic role in improving teachers' professional competence. The purpose of this research is to find out: Principal program, program implementation, and obstacles encountered by principals in improving teachers' professional competence. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were observation, interview, and documentation. The subjects of this study were principals, teachers, KKG leaders, school committees, supervisors, and outstanding teachers. The results of this study show that: 1) The principal's program in improving the professional competence of teachers by holding deliberations at the beginning of the school year with the vice principal, teachers, KKG chairman, school committee, supervisor, so that it shows good results, especially in improving the professional competence of teachers at SDN 26 Banda Aceh City 2) the implementation of the principal's program in improving the professional competence of teachers is by creating a conducive climate, providing opportunities for the development of teacher competence, 3) The obstacles faced by principals in improving the professional competence of teachers are that there are still teachers who have not mastered Computer Science Technology (ICT), and the lack of motivation provided by the family in improving professional competence so that it becomes an obstacle for teachers in preparing lesson planning and implementation.</p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tihabsah, Rahmat, Muhammad Husnur Rofiq Implementasi Nilai Nilai Pancasila Dalam Pembelajaran Agama Islam Di Smk Nurul Islam 2024-09-03T08:47:40+00:00 Sri Novi Hariyati Mochammad Rofiq <p>This study examines the application of Pancasila values in learning Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at SMK Nurul Islam Gresik. In the current era of globalisation, educational institutions are not only required to deliver theoretical material, but also to promote the appreciation and application of values in everyday life. This is especially important in moral and character education derived from religion, Pancasila, and national education goals. This study aims to describe how Pancasila values are applied in PAI learning and identify factors that support and hinder its application. The method used was descriptive qualitative research, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analysed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that applying the Pancasila Student Profile in PAI learning succeeded in shaping student character by the noble values of Pancasila. The role of teachers is very important as role models in shaping the character of students who are faithful, pious, tolerant, cooperation, independent, critical reasoning, and creative. In conclusion, this application is crucial in creating a generation that has character by the values of Pancasila.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Novi Hariyati Internalization of Religious Moderation in Islamic Religious Education Learning 2024-09-11T06:18:45+00:00 Fatakhul Khoir Rahmat M Afif Zamroni <p>Education must strive to cultivate a broad and positive perspective. Moderation represents a balanced attitude, avoiding extreme biases. Islamic Education (PAI) learning can foster this moderation by instilling values of tolerance, anti-radicalism, and nationalism, essential for maintaining national unity. This study, conducted at SMPN 1 Prambanan Klaten, employs a qualitative approach with a case study methodology to address societal issues. The research observes the internalization of religious moderation through PAI to shape students' attitudes. The study aims to analyze the process of internalizing religious moderation in PAI at SMPN 1 Prambanan Klaten. Internalizing religious moderation is crucial for developing students who respect the diverse religions, ethnicities, and cultures in Indonesia. This process includes four core values: national commitment, tolerance, respect for local culture, and an anti-radicalism stance. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation involving the principal, PAI teachers, and students. The findings indicate successful internalization of religious moderation within PAI learning. Students exhibit tolerance, respect for diversity, and national commitment. Furthermore, this internalization has led to improved student discipline, appreciation for diversity, and rejection of radicalism and violence. It also enhances nationalism and awareness of preserving local culture. Consequently, PAI learning at SMPN 1 Prambanan Klaten has effectively created a harmonious environment and supported the development of inclusive student character.</p> 2024-09-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fatakhul Khoir, Rahmat