Journal of Education and Learning Innovation2025-02-02T16:19:06+00:00Open Journal Systems<p><strong>JELIN: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation</strong> is a journal published by Perkumpulan Dosen Tarbiyah Islam Indonesia (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PDTII</a>). is published twice times a year (March and September). Chalim Teaching and Learning Journal multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, the scope of this journal is in learning and instruction area which provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific researches in the areas of learning, development, instruction, and teaching. The journal welcomes original empirical investigation. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. They may refer to any age level, from infants to adults, and to a diversity of learning and instructional settings, from laboratory experiments to field studies. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern the significance of the contribution to the area of learning and instruction.</p> Management to Shape Students' Competence in Knowledge, Religious Values, and Morals2025-01-22T14:09:15+00:00Nuris<p>Education is a process that makes humans better, more knowledgeable, and more skilled. The involvement of teachers and principals is very important to achieve this goal. RA Al-Aziziyah Mojokerto has high discipline as evidenced by the use of very neat uniforms, precisely when students enter and leave class according to the existing schedule, have high manners and have a social spirit. then the researcher is interested in raising the title Curriculum Management at RA Al-Aziziyah in order to form student competencies related to knowledge of religious and moral values. This study uses a qualitative type approach with 3 problem formulations, namely 1. How is curriculum management in shaping the competence of knowledge of religious and moral values of students at RA Al-Aziziyah? 2. How is the Management of Early Childhood Learning Environment Design at RA Al-Aziziyah Mojokerto? 3. What factors support and inhibit curriculum management in shaping the knowledge competence of religious and moral values of students at RA Al- Aziziyah? This research resulted in a finding that RA Al-Aziziyah Mojokerto has several activities that can increase students' knowledge about religious and moral values such as daily activities, spontaneous activities, exemplary activities and programmed activities, coupled with creativity in managing environmental designs to increase students' enthusiasm in learning to be one of the factors supporting success in the competence of knowledge of religious and moral values in students.</p>2025-02-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nuris Salamah, Mujiono, Muslihun Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Fostering the Habit of Congregational Prayer for Students2025-02-02T16:19:06+00:00Aisahdewiqutsiyah@gmail.comHasyim Asy’ariHasyim.ikhac@gmail.comMuhammad Husnur<p>This study aims to obtain objective data regarding the role of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers in instilling the habit of congregational prayer at MIN 11 Banda Aceh. The main focus of this research is to examine how Islamic religious education is implemented at the school and to what extent teachers contribute to developing the habit of congregational prayer among students. The research employs an inductive qualitative method, with data collected through observations, interviews, document analysis, and questionnaires. The findings indicate that Islamic religious education at MIN 11 Banda Aceh has been implemented under the established curriculum. Its implementation includes the foundations of Islamic religious education, learning objectives, and teaching strategies designed to foster students’ religious character. In efforts to instill the habit of congregational prayer, PAI teachers play three main roles: as trainers, role models, and disciplinarians. Among these roles, only two have been effective—serving as trainers and role models. Meanwhile, the disciplinarian role has been less successful, as students are not subjected to sanctions for failing to perform congregational prayers. Nevertheless, the school has established a rule that when the zuhr adhan is called, all teaching and learning activities must be paused to allow students to perform congregational prayers.</p>2025-02-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aisah, Hasyim Asy’ari, Muhammad Husnur Rofiq Management of Madrasah Heads in Improving the Quality of Graduates at Madrasah Aliyah2024-11-24T23:14:38+00:00I'in Sholikhus Tsani Al Haqqiiin.sholikhusta@gmail.comAbu DarimAbudarim@gmail.comAinul<p>The objectives of this study are: first, to analyze the planning strategy of the madrasah head in improving the quality of graduates at MA. Unggulan Hikmatul Amanah.. Second, analyzing the implementation strategy of the madrasah head in improving the quality of graduates at MA. Unggulan Hikmatul Amanah.. Third, analyzing the evaluation strategy of the madrasah head in improving the quality of graduates at MA. Unggulan Hikmatul Amanah. Fourth, analyze the results of the madrasah principal's strategic management in improving the quality of graduates at MA. Unggulan Hikmatul Amanah.This research uses a case study research approach with a qualitative research type. Data were collected through interviews, documentation studies, and observation. Data analysis through the stages of data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and verification/conclusion drawing.The results of research is: first, the concept of the madrasah head planning strategy in improving the quality of graduates in MA. Unggulan Hikmatul Amanah are: a) translation and adjustment of the madrasah's vision and mission; b) transmitting graduation designation goals; c) determining targets; d) quality improvement programs for teachers and graduates; and e) internal and external analysis. Second, the concept of implementation strategies in improving the quality of graduates at MA. Unggulan Hikmatul Amanah. are: a) policy setting; b) involvement of all elements of the madrasah; c) determination of academic and non-academic programs; c) branding the characteristics and excellence of the madrasah; and d) cooperation with external parties. Third, the concept of evaluation strategies in improving the quality of graduates are: a) evaluation from external and internal parties; b) identification and SWOT analysis; and c) do not follow up. Fourth, the results of strategic management in improving the quality of graduates at MA. Unggulan Hikmatul Amanah are: a) the absorption of graduates in PTN and PTS, b) consistency of student learning outcomes, c) collaboration of academic curriculum and madrasah diniyah, d) student achievement results, and e) achievement development and improvement of teacher competence.</p>2024-12-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 I’in Sholikhus Tsani Al Haqqi, Abu Darim, Ainul Yaqin the SKUA Program (Ubudiyah and Akhlakul Karimah Proficiency Standards) in Developing Students’ Religious Competence in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah2024-11-24T23:18:16+00:00Zaenal Fananizaenalfanani1987@gmail.comMuhammad Anas Ma'arifanasma'<p>The implementation of the SKUA Program (Ubidiyah and Akhlakul Karimah Proficiency Standards) at MI Nurul Huda 1 Miji, Kranggan District, Mojokerto City, aims to develop students' religious competencies as a whole. This program focuses on strengthening worship skills, understanding religious values, and shaping moral character as part of efforts to form a generation of noble character. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and documentation involving madrasah heads, teachers, students, and parents. The focus of the research is the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating the program. The results of the study show that the implementation of the SKUA program is carried out through habituation of worship, integration of religious values in learning, and moral mentoring activities. Program evaluation includes direct observation and assessment of changes in student attitudes. This program has succeeded in improving students' worship skills, religious understanding, and character building. Supporting factors include teacher commitment, parental support, and a conducive environment, while the main challenges are consistency of implementation and time constraints. This program has proven to be effective in improving students' religious competence and can be used as a model for other madrasas.</p>2024-12-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ach Zaenal Fanani, Muhammad Anas Ma'arif Building Through Qur'anic Education: A Study of TPQ Al-Aziz in Lengkong Village, Mojoanyar2025-01-22T14:17:26+00:00Nurna Kurnia Dewi Maulana Nur<p>Qur’an education park Al Aziz has more than 100 students and 7 permanent teachers with several program activities which are very many activities such as daily activities, spontaneous activities, exemplary activities and annual activities so that they can shape the character of students in students. -Qur'an (Tpq) Al-Aziz, Lengkong Village, Mojoanyar, Mojokerto. The focus of this research on 1). What is the process of forming the character of the students in the Al-Aziz Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ), Lengkong Village, Mojoanyar, Mojokerto? 2). What are the results of the formation of the character of the students in the Al-Aziz Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ), Lengkong Village, Mojoanyar, Mojokerto? By using a qualitative type approach. Through several activities that have been carried out by students through several programs contained in TPQ Al Aziz, students have the character of santri as follows: 1). Students have an increase in piety to Allah SWT. Students get this through all existing activities such as reciting the Koran, praying, and praying in congregation. 2). Students have a sense of gratitude that students get with a little increase in reading the Koran. 3). Students have a sincere nature. 4). Students have patience. 5). Qonaah. 6). Laughter. Student trust is seen from the sincerity and enthusiasm of students in carrying out the process of educational activities at TPQ Al Aziz</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nurna Kurnia Dewi, Mujiono, Muhammad Maulana Nur Kholis