Enhancing Social-Emotional Development in Kindergarten: A Study on the Impact of Group A Project Methods


  • Salis Khoiriyati Universitas Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto, Indonesia
  • Hoiri Hoiriah Universitas Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Mojokerto, Indonesia


Social-emotional, Project Method, Early childhood


Children's social-emotional development is a process through which they learn to adapt and understand situations and emotions in their interactions with others, by listening, observing, and imitating what they see. Early childhood social-emotional skills contribute to positive social development, fostering empathy, sympathy, and a mutual need for one another. This study aims to investigate: 1) an overview of the social-emotional abilities of children in Group A at Dharma Wanita Kembangbelor Kindergarten, and 2) the effect of the project method on children in Group A at Dharma Wanita Kindergarten. The study examines the influence of social-emotional abilities among Group A early childhood students at Kindergarten Dharma Wanita Kembangbelor, located in Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency. This research adopts a pre-experimental design, utilizing a one-group pretest-posttest approach with nonprobability sampling conducted through purposive sampling. Data collection techniques include observation, administration of pretest-posttest items, and documentation. Data analysis employs paired sample t-tests with the assistance of SPSS application version 26 for Windows. The results reveal a significant influence of the project method on social-emotional abilities at Kindergarten Dharma Wanita Kembangbelor Pacet. This is evidenced by the increase in the average social-emotional abilities of children from 30.16 to 46.92 following the treatment. Hypothesis testing further confirms this influence, with a sig. value <0.05.


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How to Cite

Khoiriyati, S., & Hoiriah, H. (2024). Enhancing Social-Emotional Development in Kindergarten: A Study on the Impact of Group A Project Methods. Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 1(1), 15–24. Retrieved from https://ejournal.pdtii.org/index.php/ijoss/article/view/21